Miserable, depressing film that can be quite upsetting due to the vast inaccuracies, the poorly executed messages & the dreadful representation of old age - please don’t watch if you’re feeling low, watch with a great deal of caution!!
Aspects of this film were lighthearted like the singing / group activities and some staff truly cared about the patients, which was lovely to see, but the positives are difficult to pinpoint other than that. The staff were few and far between which is not true to life although I get the message they were aiming for with that.
I did manage to sit through this whole film which is a first, but others around me found it dull, slow, lacking any enthusiasm, tedious and some scenes / events just were unnecessary and didn’t make sense. A lady spoke to me with sarcasm afterwards about the cheeriness of the film and what they have to look forward to. As I said previously - extremely poorly executed and lots of the other reviews say it all!! I’m relieved to not be the only one with these thoughts.
I was hoping with the cheery title, colourful lettering to experience something light hearted, positive, warming and to understand more about the elderly / old age and how family can support and to perhaps gain a deeper connection with family members, as a result of new found understanding. However, whole heartedly I am gutted to say that this film drastically missed the mark and i don’t think it really should have been a film created and I worry about the harm it may do.