Un drama que busca ayudar a aquellos que le temen al mañana más que a la muerte. Busca recordarles a las personas el hermoso regalo que es la vida y decirles que no se den por vencido. Busca ayudar a las personas a amarse a sà mismos. De igual forma, denuncia las injusticias y toca temas delicados con la seriedad que lo merecen. Es un drama que vale la pena de principio a fin y que todos merecen verlo. Lo recomiendo al 100.
A beautiful drama that everyone deserves to watch. Is a drama about loving the life. Is about saving those who are more afraid of tomorrow that death. Is about loving yourself first and save yourself. Is about no giving up. Is a drama that calls out injustices and talks about delicate topics with the seriousness that deserves. Talks about bullying, eating disorders, war prisoners, sexual abuse, how society abandoned the veterans of war, about comparing yourself to others, etc. Tomorrow is a must watch drama and you will not regret watching it. It has an excellent cast that brought alive the webtoon characters and a excellent director who maintain the essence of the story. And finally is a drama about happiness and following your dreams.