Embarrasing. The show may have doubled its time on air but has certainly not doubled its quality. The 'humour' on the sow ired on 19th March was crass and crude.
Suprisingly I watch television to be entertained, and SBS does a great job of keeping entertainment fresh and pitched to the market that is watching at that time of day and week. In case nobody noticed 8 out of 10 does not bash its viewers over the head with political BS as some of the contestants attempted to accomplish on last nights show. Who wants this on a Saturday night?
Unfortunately most of the 'commedy' of the comments was smutty and I turned it off as I did not want to wade through that whilst I was waiting 11 minutes for the first letters round. Better suited to 1970 Australia!
I was thrilled when this show was advertised to return, now that I have tried it three times I can say to viewers dont waste any of your life on this poor, tasteless imitation of 8 out of 10 - a show I watch every day of the week.
Put the show out of its misery. The only goood things that are linked to this show are Lily and David.