Vicki is a genius ahead of her time. A lazy doctor will yank out your uterus without a thought. Vicki removed 35 fibroids from my uterus. One was the size of a melon. Many were golf ball sizes and some were the size of a pea. The genius in her work was that she used skin grafting to patch up the holes created by the removal of some of the fibroids, especially the large on that was through the wall. Women, do not just let your doctor yank your uterus out, unless you have cancer of course. The uterus holds your organs in place, give off hormones, and also contracts during orgasm. Hello, the uterus is important whether you want more/any children or not. Vicki did the operation 30 years ago and I have never had any complications from it. Try your BEST to find a doctor that won't just rip it out. Read her book if you have not met her. She is the forerunner and advocate for women to safe your uterus. Go Vicki