I was at a low point in my life after moving into a haunted apartment 15 years ago. The energy that was here was negative and I started blaming God for not helping us with this problem. He quickly became someone I thought I knew but I guess not. Several people that knew of this huge life dilemma knew what I was going through and many people have asked me if I had read this book. They assured me I would find most if not all of the answers I was looking for to help me understand what was happening in my life. My daughter when 6 was hospitalized after an ear surgery in a children's hospital where I spent the night with her. I took a short walk down to the hospital chapel and walked inside. The instant peace was so wonderful! I noticed a small paperback book laying face down on a book shelf separate from all of the other books. My curious nature made me just have to look at the book that was all singled out. It was this book! very ironic, no? I meant to just borrow the book during my stay and had every intention of returning it but it slipped my mind on the way out and it wasn't until later I realized I REALLY borrowed this book! It was a quick read and I found every answer to the questions I have about my life. God IS NOT to blame for my streak of negative happenings. Some situations are what they are and that sums a lot up. I felt a huge relief after that and to this day no problems are as bad as they actually look. I am ordering a case of these books to donate to give back in order to help another person find their road to sanity.