I read this book because I really want to understand the discontent of blacks who are protesting. This book laid out the worst case scenario of America's history with racism with no positive caveats of having improved. It's hard to see past Ms. Wilkerson's hatred for America and white people, especially white conservatives, to understand and empathize. She paints everything with a race brush. Her treatment at the airport when she was holding up the boarding line to get special help didn't seem to be racial, but the steward's efforts to get everyone boarded and seated quickly. I have been jostled and shoved when everyone is scrambling to disembark so I've learned to keep my seat until the line thins out. This theme of every event taking on a racist tone just doesn't ring true for me.
So, in short, the history of our country regarding slavery is horrendous as we look at it with 2020 eyes. History can't be changed, but our present and future can be changed. I want to read about ways to effectively change the police responses and justice system that treats minorities differently. I want some influential leaders (preferably black or brown) to help guide this discontent toward change. They may want to take a look at the city leadership for a start. Voting in local elections affect people's lives. Police forces need more minorities, but urban blacks distrust police. Promoting more hatred is not the solution.