The action scenes were actually really enjoyable.
That being said - it was horrid. Maybe the worst Batman film of all time, and the second-worst Batman after Affleck. This movie not only went with a really corny villain who was essentially an angry twitter form, but came up with the most convoluted non-sense plan which made absolute zero sense to try to reenact was Spiderman and Batman had done in their previous movies. Visually it wasn't anything crazy - it just felt like a Tim Burton movie, with a bunch of melodramatic shots, characters that were really too brooding. Batman was clearly written to be a Virgin which is fine but it was like a really weird corny virgin from a sitcom that couldn't stand to be around girls? but was somehow really good with them?
If I wrote about Catwoman this would take 2 hours. So I'll just say - terrible acting, really really bad. Just nothing good about it and very awkward. Pretty much a useless character who only existed to be a love interest for Batman.
Watch this movie if you want, love it if you want. But it's not a good movie, its just entertainment. The best I can give it is, at times its "Bad Good"