I would like to start out by saying I NEVER write reviews unless something is REALLY GOOD or REALLY BAD. And this was really bad. It had so much potential. Watched with my dad, the entire first part of the movie (probably until about the first time they walked into the kitchen) he was like “oh this isn’t good, this isn’t going to be good, this is bad, this is really bad”. And then all of a sudden he realized it wasn’t going anywhere. Like suddenly the girlfriend disappears and we don’t see her again until the end of the movie. Not really sure where hallucinations came into play. And why didn’t they scream when both the bad guys were talking to the cops. Also, the boyfriend could’ve easily pushed the old lady off of him. Like, come on. It had a lot of potential but it didn’t get that potential. It honestly sucked. And I don’t say that about a lot of movies, especially since I like to watch stupid horror movies. We rated it a 2/10, which is equivalence to a 1/5 for us. I’m really sorry, but it just wasn’t a good movie.