The novel Before "The Coffee Gets Cold" by Toshikazu Kawaguchi, is an amazing book. One of my favorites to say the least. As someone who is very picky about books and doesn't read much, this is definitely a 10/10, I highly recommend it. Before The Coffee Gets Cold talks about a windowless basement café, with its famous urban legend. You can travel to the past. However, it doesn't come without regulations.
1. The only people you can meet are the people who have visited the café. 2. When you go back, no matter how hard you try, the present won't change.
3. In order to go back, you have to sit in a specific seat in the café.
4. While you're in the past, you mustn't move from that seat at all. Or you will forcefully be transferred back to the present.
5. There is a time limit. You must drink the coffee presented to you, before it goes cold
Even with all those unexplainable rules, 5 people had still wished to go back. Fumiko Kiyokawa, to confront her lover who had left her. Kohtake, to receive a letter from her husband, who was slowly forgetting her. Yaeko Hirai, to see her sister one last time. And Kei Tokita, to see her daughter whom she'll never get to meet.
What will their fate be?
There's another catch towards the end. Read it to see.