Very well done when it comes to set visuals and it was well acted. But there are too many moments of stupidity and instead of being scary it made me laugh out loud several times. The “ghosts” are nothing like ghosts but silly and hilarious looking ghouls that you might see in a horror parody movie. Several unbelievable moments, like a 100 lb women manhandling a 250+ lb man and being able to smash his head repeatedly into a sink until it breaks, So she’s obviously some sort of superhero or something? The female lead is so stupid it takes her forever to figure out that they mean her harm and want only her money. She is pushed off a second floor and smashes violently on the rail and floor, but no worries, she’s ok. Oh wait the doctor says she has a broken leg that he had to set, but that doesn’t stop her from running around like a track star. The doctor knows these people are murderers, but doesn’t alert anyone else and decides he’s going to walk through a blizzard, by himself to rescue her. He shows up with no weapons at all and just thinks they are going to let him walk out the door with her, really? The good doc is stabbed under the arm and when the knife is pulled out it spurts a tremendous amount of blood, obviously a severed artery, but no worries, he’s ok. The evil man has a change of heart ( what took him so long, he’d already killer several women), but no matter, he’s really a good guy you see. He asks the doctor a good place to stab him. Why doesn’t he just not stab him and take care of his evil sister? But he gets stabbed in the abdomen (no good place to be stabbed there) and despite two mortal stab wounds he’s still able to walk out of the place. Right. The end scenes are what really ruins this show. They are out in the snow fighting and somehow manage to start a steam engine with no fire in the freezing cold. Yeah right. Then the worst. The evil sister is killed, and the evil guys ghost appears, and our lady is still in love with him, even though he has killed numerous women and stole thier money, is married to and is f*king his sister, got her pregnant which resulted in an deformed baby, is responsible for her fathers murder, but ya know, she still loves the guy. WOW, at least she is committed! Really really stupid. Don’t waste your time.