The map is made up of so many recycled assets to the point every street looks the same so it's impossible to memorise any portion of the map. Windows are basically shutters and meleeing them is really loud like you can here from 3 buildings over but that's supposed to be the quiet way. Also breaking a "window" sends blasts of shards of light so every time you go through a building your announcing your presence to everyone so stealth is impossible. Mouvement is floaty it feels like a 0g game also jumping is bad since your super ez to spot when you do so. The "hacks" are announced as being mouvement based there's a mine, a shield a ball (which is a joke i might add its just a bad shield since it restricts your mouvement), there's a invisibility hack but if you enter a building by entering a door or window your hack ends, there's a jump hack, wall which just spawns a wall where your looking. And the best hack is reveal if your aiming at someone when you use it they are revealed even through walls. And my favorite hack is the dash hack which teleports you a short distance. But what really gets me is the hackers which insta kill you with a pistol or any weapon after taking 200+ damage.