I don't really write reviews. I write on books but not for films... up till now.
Lets see Good Will Hunting
A guarded boy who happens to be a genius is forced to meet a sincerely emphatic psychologist.. well Good will hunting had a good storyline for starters, great actors to top that off.
Human psychology is that thing you never understand, isn't it? It's that thing where you tend use theories to explain your pov- it's inferiority complex, no its his defensive mechanism, It's Freudian unconscious blah blah blah. Oh yes those theories... and then you meet people. You try understand them, you listen to them- some speak, some dont, some laugh, some don't. Curiosity drives your quest. You then reach a place called mirror land- A reflection of yourself.
In Good Will Hunting Will needed a mirror. He was never going to buy one himself but his crude ingenuity meant his work got attention. An attention through which he not only got the chance to ridicule MIT professors (a mirror) but also get a chance to love a women (a mirror) and befriend a Psychiatrist (a mirror).
To quote from the famous monologue in that lake scene...
If I ask you about art, you'd probably give me the skinny on every art book ever written. Michael Angelo and all his work. I bet you'd never know how it smells in the chapel.
I may ask you about love, you'd probably quote me a sonnet, but you've never looked at a women and been totally vulnerable.
If I ask you about war you'd throw a Shakespeare at me, but you probably have never watched your best friend gasp his last breath looking at you for help
I like this scene cause it captures the Gist of the movie...