I really though I was the only one here but it turns out a few more fans are also feeling a bit disappointed on the movie. All these movies that we need to watch again and again, and the comics references that we have to read and review. Don't get me wrong, I liked the movie but I was really disappointed on some of the scenes and the overall script. It's THE "Endgame" so it was expected to have a stronger and powerful impact like the characters on it but it was more like a corny and cheesy, fan pleasing movie. The important characters like Thor and Hulk were like jokes and its really an insult, not just to the fans but to the characters itself, we appreciate the humor but they really overdid it. The quantum realm has also been the theory for some of us since the infinity war but the script and the writing for that aspect of the movie was a bit lazy, it was like taken from a fan made script which made it a cliche, going back in time ok, but the scenes was like watching a flashback really. Captain America lifting the hammer was already foretold even in the comics, but the scene was not also given that much power on it. I'm not gonna lie, the scene where all of them came back and reassemble gave me goosebumps but as the battle goes on, the scenes were already a bit unorganized and messy, and the moves of the characters were really a bit clumsy and its like so obvious that a certain move by the other character must be done just for this certain thing to happen, I mean why do that? why go there? it's not necessary but why do it? which makes the next scenes predictable because of it, and its like they fit everyone on the movie just so we can say that "it is the endgame", it's really like they are trying too hard to please the fans and all. It is a good movie but it just feels like it doesn't have much of the expected depth and impact on it, I don't know, I don't pretend to be an expert and it's just my opinion, but its the most anticipated marvel movie after all, so there's so much to expect specially for someone who has already been waiting for so long, was really disappointed and unsatisfied