Jonathan is far too hot for that bulldog pup face Fernanda! He was a little immature, like Ashley, to expect a 21 year old to be ready for a full-time commitment....let alone marriage.
Spend the night or two, but, don't tie the your bumper fool!
Colt is ridiculous pathetic though Larissa is muito loco! She would have been the Rooter-Rooter hooter fishing that ring out of the commode if I were chicken pecked momma's boy, Colt.
Neither Dominicano, Luis or Pedro (though he is hot!!!) represents Dominicanos very well. And Pedro's Madre looks like she walks "in the night"....if you get my drift. I would have slapped that tin-grilled sister from Santo Domingo to Santiago and back. Pedro's Madre had better think twice before tangling with Chantel's athletic, but, nosy mom. How dare Pedro attack little Rio (River) like that.
Though all the "90 Day" series have become a guilty obsession, they don't bode well for K-1 Visa romances.