I think the plot line was decent. Very predictable. My family and I watched it and we called everything that was going to happen 10 minutes into the movie.
I grew up watching monster high, and this is not it. I wish they would've just made a spin off with different people. I have said this repeatedly: they are entirely different people with the same names. I don't think they could be any different. I think overall the story had a positive message, but I'm a little disappointed I. The delivery of that message.they absolutely butchered my childhood. Also, whats with the whole Deuce and cleo thing?
Was it a good movie? It was okay, but again very predictable. The only way I could watch this without getting completely angry was by thinking of it as a stand alone movie. I couldn't think of it as another monster high movie. If you think of it as a movie that's on its own, it's decent.