Do I need to explain?
... I guess I do.
The characters are unable to show true charactization, they are pretty one dimensional, and when they have something to them, we do not care because we are not given time and effort to care. The story is hardly a thing, we get no reason or background why we should care for the characters, and they any "Shock" or "Surprise" is bland and non-existant because we were not given build up or reason why we should be. The messages are pretty dull, the fact that some characters are either gay or trans or anything is presented so forcibly: This character is gay, that is his/her personality. Is that person Trans? Well, no more infromation needed. It is so stupid and cliche how they present them it makes me worry of future movies and shows that will tackle this subject. ANd the World Building is confusing to the point it feels as if somethings are unnecessary. For example, they "try" to explain the difference between New Magic and Old Magic, though it makes no sense. Granted, I know it is supposed to represent Tradition vs Culture thing going on, but it really doesn't look all that dfferent. And fact you can combine them makes it even dumber. I want to say so much more, but from all that I stated, I think I stated the biggest problems already.