Ive waited to write a review for over 5 episodes, wanting to give it a chance as i always want to judge it for myself and give it a fair shot and im shocked, the writing, directing, acting, setting and the sets used, this series is by far the worst thing ive watched in years (ive watched Rings Of Power...) at least they stook to the basic lore and kept within the boundries of the books and source material, 180 million dollars was given to an actavist who wanted a costly therapy session, the writing is lazy and has done nothing in way of character building or laying a rough path down for the story, making foundations to build tension and story development, instead they've filled that time with pointless convosations such as telling the audience what theyve just seen on screen 30 seconds later, then going to a scene of 2 characters in a room having a dry convosation about nothing and before the end of it the scene just cuts and is never mentioned again? it seems like lucasfilm/lesley headland only came up with maybe 2 hours of writing/screen time to get their agenda across and disney said 'we need it to be at least 8 episodes long so people think its a serious series' so they just filled it with nothing and streched it.
Overall im very very let down by this series and as someone who held out some form of faith for this legendary franchise through so many failures and disrespect i cant help but think this is the end of starwars and im ashamed i defended it.