Overall it’s not a bad idea, it just feels poorly executed. Weapon balance is all over the place, trolls, spawn campers, block is inconsistent, the Dane Axe alone seems to ignore blocks altogether, it’s insulting.
I understand the attacking part, but the defence is just cancer, often I forget to look at the opponents weapon cause I play on controller, I don’t feel the need to be staring at an opponents weapon, only to get my head taken off by an Axe or Mace.
If you hate team games or teammates in general, I’d give this a miss, half of my issue is teammates ALWAYS get in the way of my swings causing me to miss or teamkill because they walked into my weapon.
It feels like a PC game, no, it IS a PC. If you’re a casual console player I cannot recommend this as much as I’d like to people, it feels too punishing for controller players and the community from experience has been incredibly toxic and overall just not fun :(