I am disgusted that the characters are unrecognizable compared to the books. The biggest mistake so far are the changes in Jack. Jack is the glue who holds them all together. He is not the Jack that we love. Instead it opens and our dear beloved Jack has knocked up Charmaine, the woman in the next city he used to visit occasionally. He broke off their arrangement and then she shows up pregnant by Jack after he has made his play for Mel. Mel is packing to leave because she can't bear to watch Jack raise a child with another woman esp one who he only had a sexual relationship with.
Charmaine is trying to convince Mel to leave so she can have Jack to herself. She said she knew he wouldn't be with her as long as Mel is still living there.
To make matters more disappointing Preacher doesn't physically resemble his book character. He isn't large and he doesn't seem easy going. Someone came into work late and Preach charges the guy and starts a fight that is quickly snuffed out or something close to that.
It made me physically ill. Even if Charmaine loses the baby I still couldn't watch it. That would take away from the beauty of Jack and Mel. Jack would no longer seem such the devoted guy.