1- the lagg on this mk11 Nintendo switch it’s the most heavy lagg I have ever went through in my all life playing games since 1992….
2-I use Nintendo Switch oled with the internet cable on the console and not even like that i can’t get good connection, the most playeble players are 70 80 ping and that’s already too heavy, fighting games can’t play well over 30 ping and 50 ping it’s already red Flagg , well on Nintendo oled with internet cable on the console I get regularly 100 to 200 to even insane high 800 ping players ……
3- how can I get my money back?
4- why Nintendo sales this game If they are unplayable cuz the lagg? If Nintendo Switch is not ready for none of the why they sale this games?
5- does anyone knows where Can I call to get my money back…?