Dark, violent, evil. Should be rated R. Wasn't a single wholesome moment up till the point of my sister and I leaving the theater. No one under 16 should watch this movie. My sister and I watched through the movie, then it got to the point where we decided we did not like this movie, it was junk. We were going to finish it because we had payed to watch the movie in 3D, then it reached the point where I turned to my sister and said, "Do you want to leave," then we left. Should've gotten our money back but we couldn't get back into the doors, they were already locked. We payed to watch a PG-13 movie, it should've been rated R. Stanley would be rolling over in his grave by now. Everything Marvel has gotten darker and more gruesome since the death of Stanley. This movie by far the darkest and most violent Marvel has made yet. Stanely would have never approved of the making of this movie. Now if your the type of person who is into that stuff then you do you. But just saying, no person under the age of 16 should watch this movie. Not to mention all these exciting new characters you were looking forward to seeing in this movie all are brutally and violently murdered within 5 minutes of them being introduced into the movie.