I'm neither a Gervais apologist nor a rampant avenger against his style. I loved The Office, not a fan of Extras, and could see what he was trying with Derek but was never quite achieved.
With After Life I believe he has achieved that rare feet of producing a comedy that really makes you question your life; that touches those oft masqueraded triumvirate of subjects: death; depression; drugs. And, does so with understanding, brutal honesty and, above all, humour. Any one that has lost a spouse, a child, or best friend will almost immediately be drawn in; those that have had addictions, or deal with those that have, will see the decent and chances of redemption; and, those that have fought, and still fight, depression will recognise struggles and well meaning attempts of friends and family to lift you out.
I attempted to remember a time when a tv situation comedy made me laugh out load and almost simultaneously have tears well in my eyes. The only two examples that came to mind were the lift scene in Only Fools & Horses with Del & Rodney and the final episode in Blackadder Goes Forth. Both are seen as bastions of the best of British Comedy. This series manages to achieve this feat in almost every episode.
There are two things I hope for After Life. Firstly, that those whom may have issue with some, or all, aspects of Gervais's comedy or opinion are able to put it aside and watch the series without prejudice. Secondly, that if there is a follow up series that Gervais's creation and the supporting cast do not become charactertures. Would I be happy to see a second series? I'm not sure. Will I be watching this series in twenty years? Definitely.
Well done, Ricky, and thank you.