It's been years since the release and I'm still hooked.... It's the only game I've never uninstalled to make space and when it finally dies, which I feel will sadly be soon, I won't forget it. The campaign is shallow, but fun, entertaining and worth playing, unlike in some other fps games *cough cough call of duty cough cough*. The multiplayer is honestly something else. It offers lots of pilot classes, titans, maps, gamemodes and guns to suit your play style. There's even Frontier Defence, which is a way better version of cod zombies. Or the sweaty gamemode of coliseum, where you 1v1 some guy you've never seen before with guns that are practically unusable in the tight space that you're in. And although it offers all these customisations, the game is still balanced (ignore the spitfire and automated turrets lmao). I honestly can't recommend it enough, and I can't wait to see what they do with Titanfall 3 (?) Which is being released next year. But that's all I got to say, so I'll see you on the battlefield!