As someone who had no idea who the main actress was in this movie until I googled it, I thought it was pretty decent. I am actually glad I had no idea because maybe I would have some of the same options and thoughts as those that gave one star, referring her to being privileged because of her status in the celebrity world.
It would take a lot for me to ever give a five star and a four star would be Too generous. But this movie kept my attention and kept me emotionally connected. I have never experienced any of this type of trauma, But I felt as though I was connected with her through her trauma. The reason I googled her is because I was shocked at her natural beauty. Yes, she had a lot of makeup on and some of the more critical reviews Or about how she wore hooker make up or it was annoying because she slept with her makeup on. Guess what I think the last thing this character was worried about washing her makeup off at the end of the night. I feel as though she did a good job of captivating the audience. Her performance maybe comes off as a little flat, but if you were to go through the things she has gone through, and survived, and is trying to continue to survive, maybe U2 would be a little flat, unemotional as a coping mechanism. not to mention, balancing a clearly over religious mother who uses her religion to justify her own bad behavior, and a younger sibling, struggling to find their own identity. And when I read the details of this movie, it describes her as being a teenager. And let’s remember she’s a virgin until she is raped. Which in my mind still makes her a virgin.
I stand by three stars. I would recommend this to my girlfriends As long as they would be OK with the continuous trauma. And that’s one thing I would have a more negative note on. It’s like what more could you pile on with the trauma. It almost became a little too predictable. But I would recommend if you have nothing else to do and you’re sitting alone and wanna watch a movie go for it. Definitely kept my attention for the hour and 22 minutes that it lasted.
And just to add. Let’s just try to remember that movies are meant to be entertainment. We are not meant to see them as reality in every situation or be reflection of everyone’s personal experience in their own lives. This is just another interpretation of someone’s perspective. Perhaps to some the perspective is unrealistic or not the reaction to things of which they would have reacted in their own life which is reality. The movies are not reality. They are meant to be for entertainment. With the popularity of reality TV and it being such a prominent and monumental part of television today, I think the line gets blurred between reality and entertainment. I’m sure this is not a new idea. But taking an hour and 20 minutes out of your life, could easily be filled with this movie.