This game was so damn good. A lot of people didn’t like it and idk why. The storyline in this game was amazing, it was a BIG change from the last game. The story was dark and sad, I was devastated when Joel died but this game was about Ellie and not Joel so they killed him off so that Ellie could have a lot of character development. 10/10 hands down for me, what’s sad is that my favorite content creators on YouTube had to stop the gameplay series because a lot of their fan base didn’t like the game and it made me mad because this game deserves the love. I was so happy when it got game of the year it was a well Deserved spot. Thank you naughty dog for making such an amazing series and I hope to see another last of us from them, it most likely won’t happen but I can hope! I love you naughty dog, in fact this game is the first game that made me cry. So truly thank you