Really liked this show.
However, the ending seemed to wrap up a very messy life in a a super tidy way-
As a runner and a coach, I found some of the track meet scenes aggravating, but not something that was bad enough to keep me from finishing the show.
One thing that I found odd was all the Austism and LGBT communities that the characters had no idea about, but they should have. For example, it was very odd that Sam's counselor of many years never once that she happened to have a game night for kids on the spectrum that just happened to be at his college and just happened to involve the same friends he already had. Same goes with Casey- why on earth did she never know that so many of her classmates were in the LGBT support club?
This type of situation seemed to happen a lot.
Paige was supposed to be irritatingly over the top, but I really enjoyed her so much. I loved her ability to understand and essentially complete Sam.
Absolutely loved Evan. Loved. Wanted Casey to forget about crazy Izzy and go back to him. He was so good and so kind.