This is a really good documentary on the "youthful" part of MJF's life. But I think it only tells half of the real story. What about the "adult" MJF? To me, as an adult, MJF has made substantially larger and more meaningful contributions through his foundation than the "youthful" Michael ever did during his heyday.. Don't get me wrong, This documentary gets the early youthful part down pact. He was clearly rich, talented, famous, popular, funny, good looking etc.. a guy who absolutely had it all in spades!. The documentary does a great job showing how hard he worked for it and how much work, effort, risk and heartache he went through during that period as a result of Parkinson's.... How about a part 2 where he puts all of this behind him... and talks about himself today? Discuss his foundation, how it started and the what and how it is providing hope for all of us who have Parkinson's... whats in the pipeline cure wise? What's new in Parkinson's research....I bet he could give a fascinating account of the highs and lows of medical research and what really goes on behind the scenes... The lives he has touched, the difference both he and his foundation has made for so many. This is where the documentary falls way short. The producers could have also shown how much Mr. fox has done not just raising money but how, despite his clearly declining health, he has never stopped contributing to humanity....