One of the worst films I've seen to date. Having references that fans will get is not an excuse for poor acting, especially poor writing and misusing beloved characters horrendously. The film isn't good by any means on it's own, and it does fans like me a disservice. It's like a comedy. A particular standout part is where Afton arrives and does a little monologue about killing Mike. It was terrible, being cringy and not at all fitting for a deranged child murderer. The anamatronics are lifeless as ironic as that is, they have no character and their actions make little sense, explained terribly in the film as Afton influencing them. They don't move at all like they should to induce the creepy atmosphere that FNAF is known for. Take a look at the FNAF 1 trailer for the way they should move to be truly terrifying.
I am a huge fan of this franchise. The games were my childhood and the novels are some of my favorite pieces of literature. But this film leaves me disappointed in the characters I thought I knew, and completely removes any horror aspect, merely using cheap jumpscares instead of the doomed atmosphere the games are loved for. It doesn't even have that going for it. It is a nice attempt. But a film that feels like nothing more than a fan service that completely fails at that deserves no commendations.