This show was sooo good!!! Yes it has drama Kenny Ortega is the director what did y’all expect. Idk how ppl are hating on the songs they’re all good but specifically “Unsaid Emily” goes HARD, I HAD LITERAL TEARS🔥🔥I get the whole age gap is weird irl but in the show he died the same age as her meaning he’s still a teen so no Julie DID NOT fall for someone twice her age I didn’t know that would be hard to comprehend for some adults watching this kid show also whoever is in charge stated they would wait until the actress who plays Julie is 18 for any kissing scenes so they’re just hugging in this show but the chemistry IS THERE. Lastly THERE IS HOMOSEXUALITY IN THIS SHOW. YESSS REPRESENTATION!!! Honestly if you feel “forced” to explain what homosexuality is to your child idk what to tell you idk why you feel the need to shield your children from knowledge of the lgbtq+ bc your love should be unconditional and it shouldn’t matter plus ITS 👏🏾NATURAL 👏🏾AND👏🏾 NORMAL👏🏾 it shouldn’t be a big milestone convo like “The Talk”. If u got this far i’m surprised but congrats !!Okay that’s it hope y’all enjoy the show 😘