Honestly, I shouldn't like this game as much as I do but after going back into it after 10 years I was honestly pleasantly surprised.
Reshef of Destruction is a direct sequel to the GBA game The Sacred Cards which in itself is a retelling of Yu-Gi-Oh's battle city arc with very simplified game mechanics. That said, the story in Reshef of Destruction is completely original to the game and not something with seen in any other form of Yu-Gi-Oh! Media and in that regard the games narrative is genuinely pretty good using DM's classic characters in ways we've not seen previously.
Reshef of Destruction very much assumes you played The Sacred Cards because it absolutely doesn't pull any punches because while the game does use The Sacred Cards mechanics, ROD throws in it's own elements to make it a different beast entirely. For starters your life points carry over from one duel to the next unless you save at a PC at home, and this time each card you can attain has what is called a deck cost, effectively a level gate to prevent you from abusing powerful cards early in game... the problem being this game throws roadblocks right from the very start of the game, in almost every area it feels like your at a severe disadvantage due to how limited you are with the cards you can access and the amount you can level up in this game is SEVERELY limited. It can make for a very frustrating experience though admittedly it does feel satisfying to overcome.