Bad Girls Club was a thing! This is a mess! One is, a MAN can NEVER be a female PERIOD. Tired of you bat-shit-crazy girls letting men into female circles just because HE, HE wants to go to the salon like a female, etc.
Lipstick on a pig doesn’t change it from it being a pig.
Why do we let men do these things to us and we cannot do it to them? They invade our jobs, our relationships anything to make us less than in the world.
And to watch most of you black women accept this mental unstableness from men is appalling!
Knowing our voice is NEVER heard. But you want to hear some man with issues we have no clue about. He can’t have babies. He can’t have a period. He can’t go into menopause. So for real what you chicks be on? It’s disgusting and degrading to real girls!