It was weird! No plot really! The movie just jumped to one big scene to another with no rhyme or reason!
The character development was very poor.
It was very very cheesy.
They tried to make it too silly. Like they put these goats into the movie that you thought would have a bigger role or reason in the movie, but all they only yelled. It was funny like 2-3 times but then it just got old and really annoying.
They pushed political ideals like Disney is doing in all their new movies.
The ending really didn’t make sense. It did but it was just wrapped up in like a minute and you just sat there thinking…… “that’s not believable at all.”
I mean it’s not the worst movie like dr strange was! I’d rate it a C- or D because Chris hemsworth is a loveable guy! And the rock dude is pretty funny and the Valkyrie chick is pretty cool! But still not a good movie! I went and saw it with 5 dudes and 3 girls and not one of us liked it!
Cristian Bale did a way good job too! But the movie didn’t allow him to really be a good villain like they did last movie with thors sister! But his acting was way good! If that makes sense!