The cast is the bait. The story is lame. The whole movie is about trying to convince you that economic catastrophe is imminent because of some miscalculation done by some risk managers. They don’t go deep into what’s the problem and that kills the whole movie because there is no substance to it. The actors spend the whole movie telling each other how serious the situation is, but it’s hard to believe since the only proof of how bad the situation is, is in their dialogue. I was looking forward to learn something new or gain a different perspective about the financial industry, but this movie fails to do that. It’s not interesting to watch. There is this part of the story where the dog of one of the top managers is dying, and you see him in distress because of that. The final scene of the movie is him digging a hole to bury his dog. Adds nothing and makes no sense to the whole story. They try to use so many emotional hooks. Audiences are not clueless. Especially in this kind of movies. Believe me, the spoiler about the dog is no spoiler at all. I love dogs.