Buddha serial has added value to our lives in this lockdown period.Its been great priviledge and learning to know about the greatest legend -Buddha.B.K Modi sir you have been the best .The cast and crew members were the best.we are fortunate to watch buddha serial as you have brought buddha life and culture 2500 years back live before our eyes.Each and every cast and crew did their best from Buddha,gopal,king,prajapathi,mangal,devdutt,channa,Anand,bhimisara,ajakshatru,amarpalli and all the saints..even the setting was apt.Thanks you B.K Modi sir you have added value to our lives.
Himanshu Soni/Buddha -you have not acted in the role but you have lived your role in buddha.when we think of buddha and his values your face is registered in our minds deeply.Your parents are fortunate to have you as their child so as we are grateful to you.I would like to wish you the best in your life and may you continue your finest work always. God bless!