This WAS a good movie until the end. Held my attention to the end but then the writer's made an important mistake - UFO's, UAP's whatever you want to call them would not have lights all over them. It is one major misconception perpetrated and propagated over and over throughout science fiction and history. Why would any "aliens" or beings capable of flying through the vast DARKNESS of space need lights? Most UFO reports describe objects with one, two, three or more lights on them, why? With ANY story, report or movie, ask yourself "WHY would they light up their ships like a blooming billboard?". We already have stealth, man-made aircraft capable of maneuvering under the cover of darkness, aka "We own the night.", by simply painting aircraft, and other craft, black or gray, turning off any lights or sources of illumination and moving soundlessly and virtually invisible from point A to point B at night so why would UFO's need or use lights? That is a very important question one must always ask when studying UFO reports or stories. The use of lighting/illumination is used by humans often to see where they are going or when searching for something but ask yourself "WHY?" lights are displayed or not displayed on any unidentified aircraft or craft. Lights or the lack of any illumination can be used or not used for multiple reasons, so study the possible reasons and evolve your imagination. Real UFO's, as in unidentified not just to the general public but also militaries around the world, do not NEED lights. Think and learn cause I'm tired of trying to teach this to the average person, science fiction writers, etc. If you want to get anywhere close to reality, ask yourself this question, do more study and keep learning. Yep, I've seen them, with and without illumination, so I know it happens. Now who "they" are or are not is a whole other matter. Could by man-made or not, good luck figuring that out because few people can tell the difference and there are definitely man-made ones being used to create hoaxes and for other reasons. There is so much shi! going on out there that it's very hard to tell what's what even to those who know. I call it one of the many "Cosmic Jokes" that exist on many levels. LOL