This talk show has to be the most racsist and anti american show on television. If there was ever a talk show that called black house wives roaches, it would be immidiatley condemed from airing! The hypocrisy on the View is disgusting! To sit there and act like they are against racsim yet attack people because of their skin color is so cruel! They yell at anyone that does not agree with them as if they were children on a playground fighting over a toy! These rich women have no clue what regular people are going through. They sit in their mansions sipping on martinis and so detached from reality. Pointing fingers at everyone except themselves! Try living paycheck to paycheck! Try having to walk to work because you can't afford the gas. We are truley living hard times and the last thing we need is for a bunch of bitter rich women spreading their hate and blaming any escape goat they can bully on things they don't even deal with! Right now we need UNITY, RESPECT,KINDNESS,UNDERSTANDING and lots of PRAYER! Perhaps it's time for the bitter View to be CANCELED!