I really enjoyed the first wonder woman, but this one suuuuuuucked. Basically, she gave up a part of herself to be with a guy she has been pining over for like 40ish years. And then, when the world is falling apart HE is the one who has to tell her to give it up. It so parallels a toxic relationship. It could have been really powerful to have her be the one to say he needed to go and she couldn’t give up such an important part of herself for him, even though she really wanted to be with him. Heroes should have flaws for sure, but part of what makes them interesting is choosing what’s right even though it’s difficult. She didn’t make the choice, she was lectured about it and told what to do. I hoped for a stronger female role model here!
Still, I thought Gal acted really well with what she was given. I hope to see some better writing and character development, because she is so great! This role has such potential but it just isn’t hitting the mark.