This show combines drama, crime, and SciFi. I initially gave it a chance since it stars Elizabeth Moss, and in the past few years I have truly enjoyed everything she's been in. I was definitely not disappointed! I caught on that it involved time travel by the second episode, after suspecting that was the case in the first episode. Someone else said that they didn't catch on to that until episode five, which is more than halfway through the show, so I felt that was relevant to mention. But they were right in saying that the plot is easier to follow if you know this going in. It was full of twists and turns, a mystery thriller if you will. It is one of those shows where details are important, so I advise watching it without interruption. The lighting is also on the dark side most of the time, so you may wanna watch it in a darker room, as it was often difficult to see in the light of day. The whole cast was great throughout the entire show, they did a great job bringing this book to life!