Yes, this comedy show is written, produced, and stars women. And yes many of the sketches deal with issues that are more relatable to women which all tends to make this show so groundbreaking. But like similar sketch series like "Key and Peele" that broke new ground, the reason you should watch "Baroness von Sketch Show" is because it is always clever, sometimes sage, but always laugh-out-loud funny. And like "Curb Your Enthusiasm," you will both relish and cringe as you laugh at or with the anxious, uncomfortable, or silly premises.
And what makes the show so engaging to me is its four main stars Carolyn Taylor, Meredith MacNeill, Aurora Browne, and Jennifer Whalen are - and I mean this in the most complimentary of ways - just regular people. So many shows feel they need to cast shows to hit demographics (e.g. the pretty one, the ethnic one, the sexy one, the young one, etc.) The Baroness cast of women look like, well, women. Your sister, your friend, your neighbor. Consequently, it forces us as an audience to frankly do what we do with any comedy show, laugh when something strikes us funny. @BaronessIFC @IFC @aurorabrowne @MeredithMacNeil @carolyntaylord @BaronessShow