Hands down worst movie i have ever had the tortured fate of stumbling across literally filmed inside a dark coffin the whole time with Reynolds buried with no explanation as to how or why (minor details perhaps)
I absolutely love Ryan and he had the potential to be the 1percentile of redemption to this shit show but no - the producer chooses to sadistically exploit the sunk cost fallacy, keeping us watching in the hopes of some form of pay off / resolution for the wasted 45minutes where we have seen a sum total of reynolds breathing , grunting , making a few nonsensical phone calls and lighting a lighter with absolute nothing remotely resembling some form of context or logic.
Fast forward another 45mins and the one scene where things could get slightly better with Reynolds being dug up out of the coffin and the promise that things would be explained, nope some genius somewhere along the line decided - let’s kill him off & end it there without 1 second of filming from outside the coffin… the people involved in this production must surely rival the intellect of Einstein & Tesla