This book by Rashmi Trivedi is a captivating novel that explores the lives of three individuals, Sheetal, Richa, and Rohit. The author does an excellent job of weaving together their stories in a seamless manner, showcasing their struggles and challenges in life.
The novel starts with the introduction of the three central characters, each with a unique background and life story. As they work on a project together, their feelings for each other begin to grow, leading to a complicated love triangle. However, things take a dramatic turn when Richa experiences sexual harassment at the workplace. The author beautifully captures the emotional turmoil and fear that a victim of harassment goes through, highlighting the importance of standing up for oneself and seeking justice.
Throughout the novel, the author delves into the themes of love, friendship, and standing up for what is right. Sheetal, despite going through her own challenges in her married life, steps up to support Richa and fight for her justice. This highlights the strength and resilience of women, even in the face of adversity.
Overall, She for Her is a heartwarming and inspiring story that sheds light on important issues such as prevention of sexual harassment and the power of women supporting each other. The characters are well-developed and relatable, making the reader invested in their journey. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a compelling and thought-provoking read.