Hifi Rush is an incredible game and I highly suggest that you play it. The plot is simple yet entertaining, with a twist that I didn't see coming (though I probably should have). The gameplay feels fluid and kinetic, giving the feeling of being constantly in motion, much like the beat in a rock song. The timing for the rythm-based aspects of the game feel challenging but fair and the combo variety is on par with games like Devil May Cry and Bayonetta. The characters are written expertly, with every interaction getting a smile out of me. This game simultaneously feels like listening to your favorite album and watching your favorite Saturday morning cartoon. The animation is beautiful and compliments the gameplay perfectly, with the team attacks being my personal favorite moments of spectacle. And the soundtrack is incredible. Every song choice fits the situation. And even without the liscensed music, the streamer mode ost by The Glass Pyramids is pretty great as well, though I prefer the liscensed tracks overall. Hifi Rush is a serious contender for one of the best games I have ever played and I once again urge anyone reading this to try the game for themself. This is an experience you don't want to miss out on.