A devastating indictment of the police officers and attorneys involved in this horrendous miscarriage of justice. The entire Wisconsin legal system looks compromised while too arrogant to notice or care. What is most disturbing to me is the way a mentally challenged young man (Brendan Dassey) is literally taken out of his class room and used as a pawn by leering detectives bent on framing a happy-go-lucky yokel (Steven Avery) who by mishap and circumstance keeps one-upping their corrupt legal system only to find himself poised to gain a 36 million dollar windfall lawsuit while simultaneously exposing the crooks disguised as police officers all in one fell swoop. A Federal Judge (in the one glimpse of justice this whole sorry mess actually sees) throws out the conviction of young Brendan Dassey only to see the fleeting moment of sanity denied on appeal. What we're left with is injustice as far as the eye can see and a Wisconsin legal system that rivals anything Sierra Leone could ever hope to devolve into. It is no longer possible for anything good to come of this, but one hopes to at least shine a light on these roaches parading around as police officers and jail the whole sorry lot in place of Brendan Dassey and Steven Avery. God's speed to Kathleen Zellner and may she bring some semblace of justice to this tragic circus.