Spiritual and can compete with most 5 star young adult book
It is touching as it says in the title and many say it is bad because it has bad language and the character is a bad person you are all not good listeners or readers THIS IS LITERALLY THE ENTIRE POINT OF THE BOOK the books point is that the character is bad and learns from his mistakes by going through traumatizing events imagine if you were face to face with cole would you still say the same things about him that the bad reviewers who put 1 star did no you wouldn’t he obviously changed he apologized to the person he hurt and became friends with him which he NEVER would have done at the beginning of the book he becomes a at least 60 percent good person after being sent to the island the bad reviewers say that the idea about sending him to an island was a stupid idea well guess what guys this is still today a type of redemption that STILL happens today in multiple cultures and it STILL works so get fact checked. The fact that they call the native Americans Indian is a good thing to put in a book as it puts perspective on modern day misunderstandings and racism which is a good thing to teach teenagers in the first place if one more review about this book says something bad about the books author remember this is the author a bad person, no, is the author the bad main character in the book,no he just made an entertaining teaching and educational book that teaches hard to learn subjects to teenagers if you do not understand the book than no wonder you gave it a one star it teaches which is the reason most kids learning it give it a bad review because they were forced to learn it and didn’t understand it at all and if you have issues with a kid being mauled then tell the teacher and if she doesn’t exclude you tell the principal cause in all honesty it’s your choice to read the book not the teachers some bad reviewers said it’s bad because he gets rescued by his helpers who HeLP him and that’s the end you are more wrong than Donald trumps defense in court you didn’t even finish the book I read to that part and passed and there is literally 300 more pages in the book after where you said was “that’s it” he get sent back to the island afterwords first of all he gets taught respect and discipline second of all and he repents for his mistakes third of all you never even read this is your response is “he gets rescued and thats it”