This is the biggest piece of garbage ever to be broadcast on television.The people that are on this show should all be tried for treason.They claim to be Christian but have no Christian values.Wishing former President dead basically.Why hasn’t this show been taken off the air???Apparently it’s being paid for by the liberal Democrats who are trying to takeaway our freedom and persecute our students who are Jewish by sending in the evil to sabotage their education and to make sure no one has money to take care of themselves.But the Democrats have lied to the American people.Including people like Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg who are totally despicable as human beings.They aren’t human.Nimrods,who have diarrhea of the mouth.The day will come when they look up and they will be looking into the face of God almighty.I just hope they don’t hear the words come out of his mouth,DEPART FROM ME,I KNOW YOU NOT!!!!!JUDGE NOT LEST YOU BE JUDGED.GOD IS THE FINAL JUDGE!!!!!SHUT YOUR MOUTHS BEFORE YOU GET YOURSELF IN TROUBLE.