Games absolutely brilliant, it truly is a one of the most, if not the most beautiful open worlds in video gaming history.
It's the lighting and the ground clutter that do it for me. The entire map is just rich in foliage, and trees and grass etc.
Unless it's intended, you'll be hard pressed to find a spot of ground that isn't covered in some growth.
The immersion is fantastic, the atmosphere is 10/10.
The water, oh my god, you can see deep into the water from where you stand on the beach or a boat.
Imagine a tropical island, where you can see the sea bed and sea life under the calm rocking ocean, well this is it.
I spent the first hour of the game spear fishing, completely immersed in what I was doing.
It's that immersive, that it reminded me of when I went snorkeling a few years ago.
The game is utterly teaming with life as well, every inch of the game has something going on, it's ridiculous.
The only way that I can describe the open world is that it's alive, alive and beautiful.
Yea, admittedly there's a few bits that need ironing out, with some being massively frustrating.
Bur those bugs can be overlooked for what the game it's, it's an utter masterpiece 10/10
If you're looking for a chill game, where you can relax,.soak up the atmosphere and grind away for resources to build a base, this is it.