I definitely loved the game a lot, and I found that I was captivated the whole time. I played the game within a week because I waited for the whole thing to be released, and somehow, despite following many fan pages on different platforms, I got very few spoilers. I think that is the best way to play games like this because I've never been a fan of waiting for episodes of anything to come out one at a time; it just wrecks the immersion.
I personally hold this story close to my heart, and will admit that it has changed me a bit, but I can acknowledge the flaws that people say it does have. During the first episode I really didn't see how I was going to get attached to the characters the same way I did in the first game. As with all previous life is strange games I find the the dialogue can be a little bit...questionable at times??? I find that easy to look past though, and sometimes it's just silly. It was better than the hipster quotes we got in the first game, and I'll tell you that one for free. By the end of the first episode I was invested.
Another thing that many people seem to dislike the game for is its heavy political attitude. To me, that wasn't what the story was about, but to some people I can see how that could be an unappealing subject. I don't know how much of a say I can have in any racial matters because I'm white and I'm also Canadian, (so I've never dealt with the whole Trump ordeal) but I will say that some of the racism that is presented in the game felt a bit forced. It had a message, but the execution of it didn't seem to fit in with what was going on in the story. Like I said though, the main message of the game was not BOOM RASICT WHITE PEOPLE, it was two brothers are in a really awful situation and need to stick together at all costs. The game also has some religious messages that some may not like as well. However, I thought it did a very good job of portraying good religious people and bad religious people, and the same with white people. I never understood how some people though it portrayed the message that "all white people are bad" because 9/10 of the white characters were good people.
This game worked wonderfully for me. I loved the atmosphere and the graphics, but that could be personal taste I suppose. The ending made me bawl like a little baby, no joke, be careful. The ending had me wishing I got some spoilers before playing because all four main endings are tragic and mama I could've done with some time to prepare. They truly hit me harder than the two endings in the first game and I was shocked. All in all, even if you end up hating the game and everything about it, you gotta admit that the original soundtrack was really good.