I Have been watching for many month since i retired and began more and more to hear racial problems from cast and they are making it look like all people of my color should be put in their place. Today I turned off the show when they said people meaning people like me hated Aleah and they couldn't be more wrong and how excited Sheryl is getting saying her people are being discriminated against. I am just tired of all this racial talk. It seems you have a person on your panel who herself is a racist and you need to put her in her place and let her know that I have been in small way paying her salary and her word will never be the same as God who says love thy neighbor. Tell her those of us with any sense look at ability of people not the color of their skin. It is a wonder she has gotten so far in life because I do not think she is funny just has a poor outlook of the future. Please keep race off the table. I will not be watching any more but most people black and white will eventually tire of her. Let her know she looks silly in high heals!