I stumbled on this show in the early morning hours. As a psychologist and arts person, I found the topics very enticing. I tried to watch it, but the hyperactive videography was absolutely devastating to my ability to glean much of anything. Here you have several thinkers with varying accents speaking heady thoughts, and meanwhile the cameraperson is swirling back and forth, left, right, left, up, down, as if camera movement was necessary to keep people's attention on a talking head. Wrong. I actually got motion sickness from trying to focus on the speaker while the camera waltzed around, creating swirling backgrounds. At least half the time when the speaker was the focus, they were shot from the side, which did little to help in interpreting what they were saying. Then there was all kinds of flipping focus to the host, as well. It was such visual chaos and such a disappointment. It is obvious that you do not have a professional working or directing the cameras. What an unfortunate thing. At the end of the show, despite all the experts speaking, I had learned virtually nothing, and mostly because of the crazy, distracting camerawork. Whereas I thought at first I might make an effort to get up early and see the show from time to time, I concluded, why bother?
Please get a professional to do the job. I give three stars really to the topic, and the effort of the host and his guests. But if I were giving stars for what I was able to get out of it, as is, I would probably give it one star only.