So excited about this title and after 2hours my ps5 is a brick. Put ps5 to sleep and just woke it back up and got a warning repairing ps5 and then the screen went black and now wont start at all. Not sure its horizons fault but it was the last thing I played now i cant play anything so sad :-(. But it was so great looking for the two hours i got with it. Now i have to see if sony can fix my ps5 :-/
>>>>>>Edit 2<<<<<<<
After unplgging several times (like 5 or 6 atleast waiting over a min each time) ps5 finaly came back. And when i went to horizon to continue game ps5 just shut off. So something is up with this game. Will update if i get it working.
>>>>>>>>edit 3<<<<<<<<
After rebooting and continuing again its been playing without issue's. Ive put in several more hours and no more problems. I will say looks like if you use ps5 button to switch out of the game and leave the ps5 it will crash at some point. My guess is it'll try and goto sleep and crash. Oh well atleast my ps5 isnt a brick and the game is almost everything I imagined. I love the story from the first horizon and this seems like a good continuation of that story.